heavenly tastiness takes time

for centuries, swedish cuisine has used methods that have now become popular again. the tradition was brought to life with chefs such as tore wretman and werner vögeli in the 50s and is now bigger than ever as we strive for a more sustainable and climate-friendly way of life. the farm diet had to be sustainable because the food needed to last over the winter – the food was salted and pickled, and nothing was thrown away.
here at pelikan, we want to recreate the sunday dinners many experienced during their childhood, so we created a classic and affordable menu for the whole family. maybe find your new favorite in the pork leg with root mash?
swedish cuisine, an art form
even though swedish food might seem simple at first, it is an art form that takes its time. like the pork leg, which is baked in an oven at 90 degrees overnight in order to become so tender that the meat falls off the bone.
our meatballs are also works of art, and something we are proud of. they are made by hand several times a week, and each time the batter is at least 150 kilos. sometimes, tourist groups enter the large hall and point to a picture of the meatballs in their guidebook.

we believe in the future of husmanskost (the swedish word for it). compared to previous generations, young people today are more aware of what food quality is.
we aspire to refine and share this style of cooking so that future generations can also enjoy our food heritage!

gift card
do you know that you can buy gift cards from us? valid whether you use it for a cup of coffee or an entire evening.
it can also be used at the rest of boqueria group's restaurants: agaton, blå porten, blå +, boqueria in stockholm, gothenburg and åre and nytorget 6.
opening hours
- Mon - Sun
Dagenslunch serveras vardagar mellan kl 1130-1330.
- Phone 08-556 090 90
- Email info@pelikan.se
- Address Blekingegatan 40 116 62 Stockholm